Monday, January 30, 2012

Week 6, Run 1

This morning was SOOO beautiful! God is the BEST artist!

First thing this morning, I found myself smiling about today’s run. At the beginning of it, when Coach Claire was briefing me on the run, she referred to the 5-minute runs as short! And to think that when I started, 5 minutes seemed like an eternity! I guess it only means that I’m improving, even when the steps toward this success seem slow.

This was my 4th “pre-sun” morning run, and I’m feeling a lot less nervous about running in the dark. In fact, I look forward to seeing the sunrise at the end of my runs! The beauty of the morning light is another motivation to get myself up and out in the morning. J

So, for the actual run: today’s workout was a 5-minute, 8-minute, 5-minute run with 3-minute walks between. I was looking ahead to today’s run as being easy, after last Friday’s (AMAZING!) 20-minute run. I just knew that I had to pace myself on the shorter runs, or I would use up all my energy before my last run. So that’s exactly what I did. During the first run, I felt that I had plenty of energy to go a lot faster, but I still made myself go slow. Thankfully, I had just enough energy to zoom through the last run. I even “sprinted” the last 10 seconds!

It’s like a miracle that I no longer gasp for breath, and I actually enjoy breathing in the fresh air while I’m running along! Also, my legs even feel good after a nice run, and I feel so much more energized throughout the day!

If you’re reading this, and you’ve just started the Get Running program, you’re in for a wonderful ride! There will be a lot of ups and a lot of downs, but thankfully, the ups always outweigh the downs! For me, the first two weeks were pretty much one giant down, but it’s been a great upward climb since then! Again, if you’re new at this, keep your spirits high. You CAN do it! Always remember that your journey, no matter how large it may be, starts with 1 step!

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