Thursday, January 26, 2012

Health Check 4!

Good evening! Or morning, or whenever you’re reading this!

What’s today? It’s Thursday! And you know what that means…. Health Check 4!

Here’s the measurements!

WEIGHT: I’m down 1 pound this week! That puts me at 222 lb, with a total of 3 lb. lost to date.

WAIST: 37”. Same as last week, which keeps my total at 1 ½” to date.

ARMS: 13 ½”. Still the same as last week, keeping my total at 2” to date.

NECK: 16 ½”. Funny! Since it’s the same as last week, I’ve lost ½” to date.

CALVES: 16 ½”. They’ve gone up an inch bringing me back to 0” to date.

So, I’m not sure if some of these measurements are supposed to be going up, or if they’re supposed to be going down. Either way, I just report ‘em as they are!

Hope you have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. Don't get discouraged by the numbers. You're feeling different and that will result in change over time! The weight didn't pile on overnight so the weight won't come off over night either! :)
