I can’t believe this morning was this morning! My, how it’s
been a long day!
I had a dream last night that I completely slept through my
alarm, missed my run and, in turn, had an awful day because of it! I think it’s
kind of funny that even my subconscious is actually looking forward to the
runs! I guess I’ve finally found the kind of exercise I actually enjoy :D
This morning’s run was two 10-minute runs with a 3-minute
break between. Before starting this morning, I thought, haha, I just ran 20 minutes straight less than a week ago with ease, so
doing it in two steps will be twice as easy, right? WRONG! I got
overconfident during the first run, and over-paced myself. The result? I didn’t
have enough energy to keep up that kind of speed during my second run. My legs
screamed at me to stop and walk for just a couple of seconds, but I did my best
to force them on. It also helped that the song “Slow Motion” was playing during
this time (the song mentioned on my Motivation page). It gave me just the boost
of inspiration that I needed to keep my legs goin’!
On paper, today’s run might seem like a drawback, but I’m
most definitely counting it as a big step forward! I finally pushed myself to
the point where I felt I had no remaining energy, and then some! My legs have
felt the results of today’s run all through the day, and I love it!
Okay, so it’s not too breaking, but I had to keep your
attention for just a couple more paragraphs. :D Today, my family started a “Biggest
Loser” challenge to see who could lose the most weight. I know that weight loss
isn’t my main goal in running, but I figure that this might motivate me to stay
on a healthy eating track while I run!
I’m not sure how this will work yet, but I’ll try to post my
standings in the contest each week (most likely on Saturdays). I’m up against
some tough competition (hehe!), but I’m takin’ them all down! The competition
ends sometime in April, which will end just around the time I get a good start
on Bridge to 10K!
As always, keep up all the great work you do! Keep
persevering on your journey and remember that no matter how long your journey
may be, it all starts with 1 step!
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