Monday, January 2, 2012



This is the first blog that I have written, so you’ll have to cut me a bit of slack if I don’t have all the proper “Blogiquette.” I’m hoping that by writing these posts, I’ll only make myself stay more committed to exercising regularly. I recently downloaded the “Get Running” app for my iPod, and I intend to use the majority of this blog to document my running progress. So, here goes!

The Get Running app is an iOS application very similar to a Couch to 5k app, but tons better (at least, that’s what all the app reviews said, so I took their word for it). I’ve already completed the first of 9 weeks of the program, and am glad to say that I have survived.

Week 1 of the Get Running program can easily be described in one word: PAIN. Don’t get me wrong; it’s (extremely) painful, but it’s a good kind of pain! It’s a “Hey, you’re actually off the couch and doing something good for yourself!” kind of pain. After the first run, I felt good, but during my rest day, my legs started burning. It only got worse from there, and, when I started the last run of the first week, I thought my legs were going to fall off! Thankfully, the pain subsided completely over the weekend, and my legs felt great today during the first run of Week 2.

So, if you’re reading this right now and thinking I don’t want to hurt for a week straight. It’s not worth it, know that I’m a really big sissy when it comes to pain tolerance. If I can make it through, then anybody can make it through!

So, that pretty much sums up the first week of running. Each workout was a 5-minute warm-up, followed by 8 “circuits” of running for 1 minute, followed by a 1 ½ minute walk, followed by a 5-minute cool-down. These runs showed me how out of shape that I was. By the time I made it to about my 7th run each day, I was very tempted to slow down or just walk instead. However, I told myself that I’d done it 5 times already this run, so I could surely do it 2 more times. That philosophy, however accurate, worked! I did it 3 times last week, and then decided that, however nervous I was about increasing running times, I was ready to move on to week 2…

1 comment:

  1. I saw your blog url on Get Running Forum. I'm at the same place as this blog. Just finished week 1. Seeing you on week 9 gives me hope. My legs kill during the 1 minute runs!

